MiPosaur is a smart robot. It's respond to you when you use your hands, his trackball or an app. MiPosaur will take on your every command- and mischievous enough not to! Train, tame and game with multiple game modes within the Trackball and free app, available on iOS or Android devices.
Hand Gestures
Miposaur responds to the swipe of your hand!
Miposaur has three different moods and ten different commands. Depending on what it's in, Miposaur will react to gestures differently.
MiPosaur Expresses 3 different moods : Excited, Curious, Annoyed
10 different commands: Swipe, Clap, Scare & More!
Reactions to commands differ depending on what mood MiPosaur is in!
The TrackBall is equiped with BeaconSense technology, which means MiPosaur can track and follow the ball around.
The TrackBall features 6 different game modes.
Use the TrackBall to:
Take MiPosaur for a walk
Play dino in the middle
Play fetch!
Feed MiPosaur
Dance & beat-box
The MiPosaur App
The MiPosaur App
Free and included with your MiPosaur purchase on iOS and Android devices.
Features tons of gameplay!
Drive MiPosaur
Feed it steaks, socks, cavemen and more and watch MiPosaur’s reaction!
Battle against other MiPosaurs
Play with MiP!
Dance to any song in your music library
Trace a path on your screen for MiPosaur to follow.