
Lego Mindstorm EV3 Laboratory

You will get way to build robots through this book, Lego Mindstorm EV3 Laboratory.

Lets experience to create five wicked cool robots:
  • ROV3R, a vehicle you can modify to do things like follow a line, avoid obstacles, and even clean a room
  • WATCHGOOZ3, a bipedal robot that can be programmed to patrol a room using only the Brick Program App (no computer required!)
  • SUP3R CAR, a rear-wheel-drive armored car with an ergonomic two-lever remote control SENTIN3L, a walking tripod that can record and execute color-coded sequences of commands
  • T-R3X, a fearsome bipedal robot that will find and chase down prey

With The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Laboratory as your guide, you'll become an EV3 master in no time.

Requirements: One LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3 set (LEGO SET #31313)

Gr 6 Up—This informative guide to the LEGO EV3 Mindstorms kit provides clear directions for building and programming five advanced robots. In order to find this book useful, readers must already own the LEGO EV3 Mindstorms kit; author Benedettelli provides a chart of pieces in the appendix that readers should acquire if they own different versions of Mindstorms kits. Tech-savvy students will find the projects engrossing, but be forewarned that this text is not for novice Mindstorms users or those new to robotics. Black-and-white drawings may prove challenging for some to compare with real life colored LEGOs. Readers are treated to a comic narrative throughout the book that mimics the book's progress, which can help break up the tedious nature of instructional text and drawings, though they are more entertaining than informative. Benedettelli painstakingly describes how to manipulate the kits and their myriad parts and does not assume that the reader will have access to a computer, helpfully describing how to program without one. A good addition for schools serving students on robotics or LEGO teams, but this guide may not find wide readership in most public libraries.—Amy M. Laughlin, Darien Library, CT

Essential Resource For Kids Of All Ages Who Want To Understand How Things Work

By Robert Rosenfeld

First of all a caveat: I do not work for Amazon, LEGO or No Starch Press, and I'm not related to the author. I'm a 63 year old kid who was weaned on Tinker Toys and Erector sets. I enjoy building things, can follow instructions and use a computer, and am innately curious about how the things I build actually work. I bought this book to better understand how the EV3 robots actually work, both mechanically and programatically, and have found it to be extremely useful.

Thus far I've built and programmed the first four robots (Chapters 1-14). I had no problem following the monochromatic instructions, although an ebook in full color is now available via No Starch Press.

The most interesting part for me is the clear explanation of how the programming blocks work, both singly and in combination. I didn't find the information on programming via the EV3 Brick App to be particularly useful--I suspect that most users will program on their PCs--however, you don't have to know any programming language to replicate and modify the programs which are richly illustrated. And those not interested in programming at all can simply download the programs from the author's website. The entire book is organized with just enough information for everyone--from those interested in making the robots "come alive" to those desiring a deeper understanding so they can create and activate whatever their imaginations can conceive.

A bonus: If you get stuck along the way you can email the author for guidance. He's already helped me on two occasions which has both improved my understanding and fueled my enthusiasm. And there's no charge!

I recommend this book to everyone, young and old. Almost makes me wish I was back in high school taking a robotics class. Well, almost.......................

lego mindstorme v3